Dr. P. Swetha
B.Tech (CSE), M.Tech (CSE), Ph.D(CSE)
Professor of CSE & Deputy Director of Affiliations & Academic Audit
Educational Qualifications
Ph. D.University
Osmania University
Ph.D in Network Security
M.TECH University
M.TECH in Computer Science &Engineering
B.Tech university
B.Tech in Computer Science &Engineering
International Journals:
1. DR.P.SWETHA, "Analysis of Customer Data For Performance Enhancement Using Visual Data Mining", MUKTH SHABD JOURNAL, ISBN No.2347-3150, Vol No.VOLUME IX,ISSUE XI, 2020. 2. DR.P.SWETHA, Disjoint Route Vector Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks in IJARCCE, International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer And Communication Engineering, 2017. 3. DR P SWETHA, Secure distribution of secret key to group nodes using SPSS model for Threshold Cryptography in MANETs Pg. 111-118, Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (OIIRJ), ISBN No.ISSN 2249-9598, May , 2017. 4. DR P SWETHA, Exclusion of malicious nodes using Secure Proactive Secret Sharing (SPSS) for Threshold Cryptography in MANETs Pg . :01-08, International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER), ISBN No.ISSN (e): 2250 – 300, April , 2017. 5. DR P SWETHA, Secret Key Sharing Using Homomorphic Commitments and its application to Threshold Cryptography. PP 6598-6602, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. (IJAER) Volume 11, Number 9, ISBN No.ISSN 0973-4562, 2016. 6. DR P SWETHA, Identification of Packet Droppers and Modifiers in Mobile Adhoc Networks for Improved Security Pg. 377-380, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE) Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISBN No.ISSN (Online) 2278-1021 ISSN (Print) 2319 5940, January, 2016. 7. DR P SWETHA, Secure Group Key Management using Ciphertext in MANETs. PP 08-13, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), ISBN No.e-ISSN: 2278-0661 p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Jan – Feb, 2016. 8. DR P SWETHA, Survey On Routing Protocols In MANET pg.296 – 300, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC), ISBN No.ISSN 2320–088X, August , 2016. 9. DR P SWETHA, A Defensive Protocol For Reducing Routing Overhead In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) September 2014, ISBN No.2319 – 4847, 2014. 10. DR P SWETHA, Implementation of Threshold Cryptography in MANETs. Pg.no. 1036 – 1040, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT) Jan - 2014, ISBN No.2278-0181, 2014. 11. DR P SWETHA, Unmasking of Packet Drop Attack in MANET. Pg: 211-214, International Journal of Emerging Trends and Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS) Nov-Dec 2013, ISBN No.2278– 6856, 2013.
National Journals/International Conference:
1. DR P SWETHA, Detection of Misbehaving nodes using Secure Proactive Secret Sharing (SPSS) for Threshold Cryptography in MANETs, International Conference on Recent and Innovations on Engineering And Technology (ICRIEAT-2016), ISBN No.ISBN: 9781539626459, 2016. 2. DR P SWETHA, Graphical Passwords using hard AI Problems, International Conference on Innovative Methods in Engineering Applications, Applied Sciences and Management Cases (IMEASMC-2016), 2016. 3. DR P SWETHA, Bandwidth efficient on-demand Routing Protocol for MANETs, International Conference on Innovative Methods in Engineering Applications, Applied Sciences and Management Cases (IMEASMC-2016), 2016. 4. DR P SWETHA, Graphical Passwords using hard AI Problems, International Conference on Innovative Methods in Engineering Applications, Applied Sciences and Management Cases (IMEASMC-2016), 2016. 5. DR P SWETHA, Bandwidth efficient on-demand Routing Protocol for MANETs, International Conference on Innovative Methods in Engineering Applications, Applied Sciences and Management Cases (IMEASMC-2016, 2016. 6. DR P SWETHA, Security Assessment of Computer Networks –an Ethical Hacker’s Perspective, IEEE Conference International Conference on Computer and Communications Technologies (ICCCT-14) , 2014. 7. DR P SWETHA, Graphical Approach of Generalized Neuron Model for Electric Load Forecasting During Error Gradient Functions, pp.186-190, Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Development in Computational Science and Information Technology (ICRDCIT ‘14) , ISBN No.978-93-83083-55-8, 2014.
National Journals/ National Conference:
1. DR P SWETHA, Threshold Homomorphic encryption for Asynchronous MPC, National Conference in Recent Trends in Science and Technology (NCRTST-2015), ISBN No.9789382570523, 2015. 2. DR P SWETHA, NASSCOM’s NTERCEPT-A Mobile App for Security, National Conference on Perspectives Of Women in Multidisciplinary Areas. (POWMA-2K15), 2015. 3. DR P SWETHA, Women in Science and Engineering, National Conference on Perspectives Of Women in Multidisciplinary Areas. POWMA-2K15, 2015. 4. DR P SWETHA, An approach for Detection and Prevention of Reset Attacks Using TCP Sequence Number Analysis, National Conference on Advanced Computing and Pattern Recognition (ACPR-14), 2014. 5. DR P SWETHA, Amazon Web Service in Education, National Conference on Advanced Computing and Pattern Recognition (ACPR-14), ISBN No.9789383038176, 2014. 6. DR P SWETHA, Mitigation of Packet Drop Attack in MANET ” Pg.No.:174-176, National Conference on Advances in Computing and Networking (NCN-13), ISBN No.9789383038114, 2013.
1. Deputy Director of Affiliations & Academic Audit. 2. Deputy Director of Innovative Learning & Teaching.
Professor, JNTUH CEJ
JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad
2017 - Till Date.
Associate Professor, JNTUH CEJ
JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad
2010 - 2017
1. Organized a FDP on Organized National level one week online FDP on “Programming in Internet of Things”(PHASE-III) Sponsored by AICTE-ISTE, JNTUHCEJ, Jagtial., 14-12-2020 to 19-12-2020. 2. Organized a FDP on Organized National level one week online FDP on “Programming in Internet of Things” (PHASE-II) Sponsored by AICTE-ISTE, JNTUHCEJ, Jagtial., 07-12-2020 to 12-12-2020. 3. Organized a FDP on Organized National level one week online FDP on “Programming in Internet of Things” (PHASE-I) Sponsored by AICTE-ISTE, JNTUHCEJ, Jagtial., 23-11-2020 to 28-11-2020. 4. Organized a FDP on Organized a two-week Online Refresher Course on “Artificial Intelligence” Sponsored by UGC, JNTUHCEJ, Jagtial., 09-11-2020 to 23-11-2020. 5. Organized a FDP on Organized One week Online Short term course on “Deep Learning” Sponsored by UGC, JNTUH, Kukatpally, Hyderabad., 01-01-1970 to 19-09-2020.
1. Presented a paper in Threshold Homomorphic encryption for Asynchronous MPC, UGC Academic Staff College JNTUH Kukatpally,Hyd.,TS, 17-04-2016.
1. Participated in a FDP on Organized National level one week online FDP on “Programming in Internet of Things” (PHASE-I) Sponsored by AICTE-ISTE, JNTUHCEJ, Jagtial., 23-11-2020 to 28-11-2020. 2. Participated in a FDP on One Week FDP on "C Programming and Data Structures", UGC Academic Staff College JNTUH Kukatpally,Hyd.,TS, 06-03-2017 to 11-03-2017. 3. Participated in a FDP on Refresher Course on "CLOUDERA : BIG Data and Cloud Analytics", UGC Academic Staff College JNTUH Kukatpally,Hyd.,TS, 10-11-2014 to 29-11-2014. 4. Participated in a FDP on Refresher Course on "Network Security and Cryptography", UGC Academic Staff College JNTUH Kukatpally,Hyd.,TS, 11-09-2013 to 01-10-2013. 5. Participated in a FDP on Short-term Course " Research Aspects in Information Security", UGC Academic Staff College JNTUH Kukatpally,Hyd.,TS, 23-01-2012 to 28-01-2012.
Master Thesis
Student Name
A Scalable And Efficient User Revocation Mechanism Using Attribute-Based Hybrid Encryption In Cloud Computing
Intrusion Detection System Using Genetic Algorithm
Disjoint Route Vector Algorithm for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks In Distributed Environment
A Modified AODV Against single and Collaborative Black Hole Attacks in MANETS
Quick Rescue Engine for Fire Accidents in smart City
1. "Outstanding Women of the Year ", Osmania University, Hyderabad, 2022. 2. "Gold Medal - BEST PAPER AWARD ", International Conference on “Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology” [ICRIEAT-2016], 2016. 3. " MAHILA SHIROMAN WOMEN OF THE YEAR ", TELANGANA CITIZEN'S COUNCIL, 2020.